Conditions of Employment

The primary function of this screen is to link the employee to employment conditions, used to define their leave accrual settings. It also sets the default 'home base' department for costing allocations.

Open the Employee File.

View or Amending an Employee's Conditions of Employment

  1. Once the employee file is open, click Conditions of Employment tab.
  2. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation Wizard
Employment Conditions
Condition Header Select the relevant Condition Header from the drop-down list, or select <<Add New>> to create a new condition. Employment conditions control the types of leave accrued as well as the rate at which they accrue. They also determine settings such as RDO accruals, leave loading and public holidays. For more information see the section on Company Data | Employment Conditions. Step 6 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Pay & Conditions"

Employment Conditions section

Department Select the home department for this employee, or select <<Add New>> to create a new one. All costings for this employee will be allocated to this department (unless a costing split is applied separately).
Inc. in Payroll Tax

If this box is checked, the employee will be included on the Payroll Tax reports.

State for Payroll Tax Select the state that the employee works in from the drop-down list.
Default On Cost This value is used for On Cost reporting. If this is blank or 0 (zero), the On Cost percentage from the departmental file will be used. If you wish to override the departmental On Cost, enter the override value here.
Workers Comp Class If this employee is on Workers Compensation, you can select a Workers Comp classification here, or select <<Add New>> to create a new one. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"

Characteristics section

Package (This is the total value of the employee’s salary.)
This field and the next two fields are used for reporting purposes only, for example System Reports | Employee Based | Employee Salary Details
Sacrifice This is the value of any salary sacrifice the employee is making.
Gross Salary The gross salary figure equals the package total less any salary sacrifice amounts.